Help one of our residents with a monthly donation!
Help a resident with monlthy needs like food and bedding while ensuring their veterinary care!
Gracie had a hard start to life. Born at a farm where pigs are used for food, she was failing to thrive as a piglet. Fortunately, she was taken in by a good Samaritan who nurtured her back to health. She was not equipped to keep Gracie long term so she found her way to us and lives her life free from fear of ever being harmed.
Chester was our first big pig. We were able to adopt him after the tragic loss of our first “mini” pig. He has grown up loved and nurtured, and currently serves as the Emotional Support Animal for one of our founders. Chester has already begun to face some of the problems that arise with large pigs, such as weight bearing injuries. He will continue to need medical care as he continues to grow older. We are determined to ensure he lives a long, happy life.
Petunia was discovered by police officers during a drug raid on a house. She was locked in a dirty room with no traditional flooring and a few newspapers for a bed. Her feet were overgrown and had to be surgically trimmed since they were growing into her legs. She healed at the SPCA and luckily, we were chosen to be her adopters. She continues on her weight loss journey since the food she had been fed revolved around fast food. The previous owners intended to eat her. We are happy she is safe with us for the rest of her life.
We watched this little boy grow up. He was adopted by people we know. We relayed all the information about pigs to them prior to adoption such as, they.may not stay small, they are very curious and can become destructive indoors if bored. They promised they would be able to keep him. He soon became low on the priority list however and spent most of his days locked in a cage he soon outgrew. He could not even turn around when the door was closed. With some persuading, he was surrendered to us and is able to roam free in the pasture with his best friends.
Galahad came to us as a temporary boarder. His owners had received notice from their town he violated the zoning code. He was going to stay with us while they fought to keep him. Things did not turn out in their favor so we agreed to keep him with us permanently rather than rehome him. He is the sweetest boy and loves to give snout kisses.
Kiwi was born by a mini pig breeder. She was being sold along with her brothers and sisters at too early of an age. She has grown happily alongside her big brother Chester though and loves her belly rubs. Kiwi is a lesson that breeders often mislead when selling piglets to fool people into thinking they will stay small.
We received a call about an elderly pig at an auction. He looked like he was barely surviving. He had been used as a breeder and was taken to the auction when he was considered used up and too old. We were able to bring him home. It took months of patience to even be able to touch him or approach him without him running. He now loves belly rubs, head scratches, and enjoys spending his days with his pony girlfriend Whisper.
Whisper is a very special girl. She worked with children with special needs. She came to live with us after the two children she was there for had a change of living situation. Their father wanted Whisper to continue to receive love and attention and was kind in asking if we would like to take her. She has taken well to he new pig family and gently tolerates her pig boyfriend Boarisson.
Buddy was an emergency foster. His owners had received notice from the landlord that Buddy had to go. He was taken to an auction. With only three days to spare until his grim fate, he was released to us. We intended to find him a home, but just look at that smile. He enjoys occasional walks outside, but his favorite thing is snuggles in his blankets.